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In the News: WV Forward pushing cybersecurity component

Based on global trends and West Virginia’s unique assets, the cyber, IT and coding sector is one of the most promising industries to maximize economic development potential and job creation in the Mountain State.
The State Journal highlighted WV Forward partners' efforts in a feature piece this week.

"TechConnectWV is partnering with WV Forward to highlight the opportunities that exist for jobs in the cybersecurity field and to focus attention on what needs to be done to expand cybersecurity learning initiatives at all educational levels in the state," TechConnectWV Executive Director Anne Barth said. "By doing so, West Virginia can create a larger trained cyber workforce and be in a more competitive position to capitalize on these and other emerging tech employment opportunities. Once we build these programs and demonstrate to employers that we have a pipeline of skilled workers, we’ll see greater economic growth in the tech sector."

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