Partner Spotlight: Advantage Valley adopts WV Forward site readiness blueprint
Advantage Valley, a regional development organization representing the Charleston-Huntington region, is following the WV Forward blueprint to help prepare sites for business investment. The organization has embarked on an extensive effort to identify and plan the next generation of economic development sites in the region. A thorough review of all green-field, brownfield, and underutilized sites has been conducted to create a comprehensive database of 74 possible locations representing 12,300 raw acres, or 5,500 potential developable acres, to serve the region’s economic development needs. These sites have been screened against criteria related to topography, access to transportation, number of acres, infrastructure availability, environmental issues, and eligibility for certain types of financial support.
Advantage Valley will help finance top ranked sites to assist in acquisition and development. The result of the work will be an identified pool of properties that can be advanced through West Virginia’s proposed Site Readiness Certification Program. Advantage Valley’s role is to ensure that all resources and assets in the region are properly aligned to address those needs.