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WVU works with W.Va. Legislature on state's future | The Exponent Telegram

Using West Virginia Forward as a lens, policy experts, corporate leaders and educational practitioners discussed the state’s economic opportunities and challenges and the need to nurture the talent pipeline through the diversification of workforce development. The second annual West Virginia Legislators’ Forum on Education and the Economy will be held in Charleston, with an aim to engage legislators on how best to address the current landscape of public education in West Virginia.


West Virginia Forward, a blueprint for the future | The State Journal

An op-ed by Brooks McCabe: West Virginia Forward, the collaborative product of West Virginia University, the West Virginia Department of Commerce and Marshall University, provides a well-articulated strategy for economic development and job growth and offers a solid blueprint for action. Let’s start the process of implementation. There is no better time than right now.


Energy experts examine storage hub project | The Dominion Post

In recent weeks, various state and federal officials have proclaimed the promise of an Appalachian Storage Hub for natural gas liquids somewhere in the West Virginia-Ohio-Pennsylvania triangle. Brain Anderson, director of WVU’s Energy Institute, picked up on that theme during the October 4, 2017 West Virginia Energy Expo at Mylan Park.


Editorial: Economic report comes with a call to action | The Herald-Dispatch

The findings of a study done at the behest of a West Virginia state agency and its two largest universities spelled out what officials describe as a path forward to diversify and grow the state's economy, but amid the opportunities spelled out in the report are also significant challenges.


Gordon Gee: Growth is possible, if WV embraces its strengths | Charleston Gazette-Mail

An op-ed by President Gordon Gee: This year, West Virginia University partnered with the State Department of Commerce and Marshall University to commission the McKinsey & Company in a search for a fresh look at our problems and ways to solve them. Only private dollars, rather than state appropriations, funded this effort. Together, we have blazed a path that we call West Virginia Forward.


Groups come together to move West Virginia Forward | The Inter-Mountain

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee, Marshall University President Jerome Gilbert, Commerce Secretary Woody Thrasher, and Rob Alsop, WVU’s vice president of strategic initiatives, talked about the collaboration between West Virginia University, West Virginia Department of Commerce and Marshall University and the summary of findings of a study titled, "West Virginia Forward: Maximizing our Opportunities for Prosperity" during a press conference at the West Virginia Capitol in Charleston.

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