WV Forward, partners examine long-term solutions to dependent care; Offer short-term solutions to summer care
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Ahead of the National Child Care Provider Day on May 10, more employers, economic development groups and community leaders are recognizing that care providers do more than just entertain children – they support the economy. When parents, grandparents and caregivers do not have reliable family care, they are often forced to miss work, struggle with reduced productivity or even leave the workforce altogether.
Nationally and in West Virginia, the importance of dependent care is being recognized.
“West Virginians pull together to solve challenges like no other state. We are deeply connected, creative and passionate about our families, communities and jobs,” said Rochelle Goodwin, WV Forward member and WVU’s senior associate vice president for academic and public strategy. “So, WV Forward wants to help working families get the help they need to support loved ones and our economy.”
To help tackle such barriers to the workforce, WV Forward and partners are examining short-term and long-term solutions that look at where care services are needed, what creative solutions could provide more care quickly and economic models that better support care giving businesses.
For those parents facing immediate caregiving needs when schools let out in June, WV Forward is releasing a list of more than 250 statewide 2019 summer care options, including programs offered by West Virginia University, Marshall University and others accredited through the American Camp Association. The goal is to help working parents find quality care options so they can have peace of mind and productive days at work.
View the full list of summer care options here: https://wvforward.wvu.edu/wv-forward-work/women-moving-forward/workforce-barriers/wv-summer-care
“We know dependent care is a top need for working parents. As schools close for the summer, many parents scramble to find care that helps them stay at work while their kids are out of school,” said Sara Payne Scarbro, WV Forward member and associate vice president for external engagement at the Marshall University Research Corporation. “As WV Forward and partners develop better care giving models and services that provide reliable support, parents can find some immediate summer care options on the WV Forward website. Though this summer care list is only a start, hopefully it’s a small help for parents and grandparents balancing work and family.”
To date, more than four dozen businesses, non-profits, foundations and individuals have stepped up to work on solving this issue. WV Forward continues to welcome more collaborators to join in and help forge better solutions to dependent care for working families and crafting innovative business models for caregiving services.
Notable champions who are leading the work include The Ross Foundation, Parkersburg Area Community Foundation, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, Hardy County Rural Development Authority, WVU Extension, Marshall University’s Center for Continuing Education, Volunteer WV and the YWCA. Some of these leaders have already designed new ways to address family care needs to ease workforce strains. Learn about how Hardy County and the Mid-Ohio Valley are working together to pull resources among employers, government, parents, and community leaders to solve their own challenges that expand workforce needs.
To provide suggestions to this effort, contact WV Forward as work continues to help solve West Virginia’s dependent care puzzle.
WV Forward is a statewide collaboration led by West Virginia University, the state Department of Commerce and Marshall University to help grow the economy by adding jobs, investing in education and improving health and wellness to create the most prosperous West Virginia possible.
CONTACT: Katie Farmer; WV Forward Communications Director; WVU Office of the Provost;
315.256.8509; katie.farmer@mail.wvu.edu
Leah C. Payne; Director of Communications; Marshall University;
304.696.7153; leah.payne@marshall.edu